Halfbrick Studios, in collaboration with Ian Fitz, the creator of the original “The Thrill of the Fight” from 2016, has finally launched the eagerly anticipated sequel to this beloved boxing simulation. It’s currently available in Early Access on Quest devices.
This new installment, “The Thrill of the Fight 2,” is now accessible on various Quest platforms, including the Quest 2, Quest 3, Quest 3S, and Quest Pro. Unlike its predecessor, which focused on player-versus-environment (PvE) combat, this sequel brings a fresh dimension to the game with its online player-versus-player (PvP) boxing, one of the most awaited features that fans have been clamoring for.
“We’re launching the game with a strong emphasis on multiplayer modes so that players looking for online interaction can dive right in,” explains Halfbrick Studios. “While we’re kicking things off with multiplayer, single-player content is in the pipeline and will be rolled out as we continue developing during the early access phase.”
The developers have ambitious plans moving into 2025. They intend to introduce single-player elements, integrating competitive AI that will feature dynamic behaviors and varying appearances. Additionally, new training modes are on the horizon. Throughout Early Access, ongoing updates will enhance the overall gameplay and add layers to this immersive boxing experience.
Currently, players can enjoy features such as avatar customization and a skill-based matchmaking system for online PvP bouts, all backed by realistic physics to deliver an authentic boxing experience. “The Thrill of the Fight 2” also boasts a spectator camera feature, allowing others to tune into your matches through a ‘live sports’ style view on a connected PC.
Eager to step into the ring? You can purchase “The Thrill of the Fight 2” on the Horizon Store for just $10, exclusively for Quest.