Tango Gameworks, a renowned Japanese game development company, is exploring the idea of diving back into the world of Hi-Fi Rush for a sequel. In a chat with IGN, the studio’s head, Colin Mack, hinted that the possibility is on the table, though he stopped short of confirming any concrete plans for a follow-up.
“We’re definitely thinking about a sequel,” Mack shared with IGN, adding, “But we’re not quite at the point where we can say for sure, ‘This is what’s next for us.'”
Adding to the conversation, Hi-Fi Rush’s director, John Johanas, mentioned, “There’s a lot of love among our team for Hi-Fi Rush, which gives us plenty to consider. Right now, we’re in the phase of exploring a variety of possibilities.”
On a broader note, the project manager, Kazuaki Egashira, emphasized what sets Tango Gameworks apart: the constant drive to innovate. “Hi-Fi Rush has carved a niche as a refreshing new IP, but if it remained unchanged, it would eventually lose its edge,” Egashira noted.
“Tango Gameworks is all about embracing fresh challenges. I hope we can keep working in a way that puts our passionate developers at the heart of everything we do, staying true to that spirit.”