Hey there, fellow adventurer! If you’re struggling to enjoy “Indiana Jones and the Great Circle” because the game leaves you feeling a bit queasy, you’re not alone. I’ve faced the same challenge with our daring protagonist’s unusual head bobbing in this first-person escapade. But fear not! With a few tweaks in the settings, I’ve been able to make the gameplay much more manageable, and I’m here to share those tips with you.
Now, does the game sometimes still leave me a little dizzy? Absolutely. And am I hoping the developers at MachineGames will eventually eliminate the head bobbing? Without a doubt! However, until that day arrives, here’s how you can navigate through this adventure more comfortably.
Start by heading to the “Video” section within the options menu. My first and most impactful recommendation is available only if you’re playing on a PC — sorry, console players. You’ll want to adjust the Field of View (FOV) slider to at least 100. Feel free to bump it up to 110 if you’re curious; just experiment to find what feels right for you.
For both console and PC users, let’s tackle a couple more settings. Make your way to the Motion Blur option and turn it off. It might look cool, but in this case, it’s better for your balance.
Another feature to consider is “Picture Framing,” located at the top of the menu list. Personally, I’ve set my game to “Cinematic” mode, where you’ll notice black bars on the top and bottom of the screen during gameplay and cutscenes. It’s intended to give a film-like feel. Truth be told, I’m not a huge fan of how it looks, but I find it helps reduce my nausea.
We’re still making progress! Next, switch to the “Accessibility” menu.
You can tweak the Field of View and Motion Blur settings here too, but I’m hoping you’ve already done that.
The key adjustments you’ll want to make now include setting Camera Stabilization to “On” and turning off Screen Shake.
As a final tip, try sitting further away from your screen while playing. It really helps reduce motion sickness. While you’re adjusting the distance, don’t forget to increase the subtitle size for easier reading.
And if none of this quite does the trick for your PC setup, hang tight for a mod to come around that fixes Indy’s head bobbing habit — or perhaps one that shifts the entire game into third-person mode. Until that mod arrives, these tips are your best bet. Enjoy the adventure!