According to the latest data from Amazon in the U.S., sales of Quest headsets during Black Friday and Cyber Monday in 2024 didn’t quite measure up to the previous year’s numbers. Back in 2023, around 170,000 Quest headsets flew off the shelves in the 30 days surrounding the big shopping events, but in 2024, that figure slipped to about 146,000 units, marking a 14% dip. Keep in mind, though, that these figures pertain specifically to Amazon and may not reflect trends at other retailers.
This decline in sales is rather unexpected, especially since Meta had just rolled out its new and improved Quest 3S, chopped the price of the Quest 3, and introduced a major new game, Batman: Arkham Shadow, perfectly timed for the shopping frenzy.
During the holiday season of 2023, Meta was still pushing its older Quest 2 model. That year, the most sought-after version, the 128GB Quest 2, was offered at a sweet deal of $250, plus a $50 gift card, effectively pricing it at $200. In contrast, this year, Meta was pushing the Quest 3S (128GB), at $300 with a $75 gift card, essentially bringing the cost down to $225.
While the price difference between these deals isn’t massive, the value leap to the Quest 3S for just $25 more is substantial. Nonetheless, price isn’t everything. The broader economic climate and competitive deals, not to mention shifting interest in VR technology, all play into these dynamics.
When looking at the sales split between the Quest 3S and Quest 3 during this year’s Black Friday and Cyber Monday, the headsets sold at a ratio of about 3:1, mirroring the 2023 split between the Quest 2 and Quest 3. This suggests that while newer models attract attention, affordability remains a significant factor in driving purchases.