Chornobyl Liquidators, created by Frozen Way and ConsoleWay, takes players into a simulation that draws its inspiration from the catastrophic nuclear disaster that unfolded in Chornobyl back in 1986. Let’s dive into our Chornobyl Liquidators review to see how this game tackles such a monumental historical event.
The simulation game is set against the backdrop of one of the most significant nuclear disasters in human history, which happened on April 26, 1986. On that day, a massive explosion at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant’s reactor number 4 unleashed a dangerous amount of radioactive isotopes into the atmosphere. In response, numerous liquidator squads were dispatched to confront this unseen enemy. While not superheroes in the conventional sense, their feats were nothing short of heroic, with many sacrificing their health, and lives, in the process.
The game casts you as an unsung hero tasked with preventing further calamity. Your main mission involves extinguishing the smoldering fires around reactor No. 4. As you navigate the deserted streets of Pripyat through clouds of radioactive dust, you’ll rely on your radiation suit for protection, although it only offers limited safety. Handling radioactive graphite is critical to your mission—but so is ensuring your own survival!
Playing from a first-person perspective, you’ll maneuver your character using the left analog stick, with the right stick allowing you to look around. Sprinting requires pressing the left stick, and interactions with characters or objects are executed by pressing the Square button. Jumping is mapped to the X button. Accessing your inventory is as simple as pressing up on the D-Pad, allowing you to manage items on a bar at the bottom of the screen. From there, you can bring up a tools wheel using the L1 button, selecting tools with either the L2 or R2 buttons. Your journal, accessible by pressing down on the D-Pad, provides information on your current level, primary objectives, and tasks you’ve completed.
The game’s demands involve putting out numerous fires with the aid of a hose and hydrants to secure the necessary water supply. You’ll also need to establish water connections between hydrants and firetrucks to restore pressure. A shovel is essential for moving hazardous objects safely. A radial menu provides access to communication tools like a radio, ensuring constant updates and directives. Managing your character’s stamina is crucial; it depletes with actions but recovers slowly when you rest. Want to speed it up? Adrenaline and caffeine tablets can help.
Health monitoring is vital, given the ever-present risks of wounds and radiation exposure, which can drastically affect your health. Bandages and aid kits are indispensable for tending to burns—caused by fire, chemicals, or electricity—which ironically enhance your character’s strength. Exploration can also lead to injuries such as leg sprains or fractures, visually depicted by an icon on the screen. An orthopedic splint is necessary to mitigate these injuries.
For those trophy hunters, Chornobyl Liquidators offers a complete trophy list culminating in a coveted Platinum trophy. You’ll aim to accumulate 7 Bronze, 3 Silver, and 9 Gold trophies, achieved by progressing through the story, locating secret documents, healing 1,000 points of damage, eliminating radiation, and making pivotal in-game decisions. If you need guidance, there’s a handy Chornobyl Liquidators Trophy Guide available.
In summary, Chornobyl Liquidators immerses players in a detailed simulation of the 1986 Chornobyl disaster. As an anonymous hero, players are driven to swiftly address the chaos wrought by reactor No. 4’s destruction. Explore Pripyat’s eerie, deserted environment, don a protective suit against pervasive radiation, and prioritize both the mission and your own life! Excitingly, Chornobyl Liquidators lands on PlayStation 5 tomorrow.
The game poses a compelling question for players: how will you manage to overcome the aftermath of Chernobyl’s explosion?
(Disclaimer: This review of Chornobyl Liquidators is based on a PlayStation 5 copy provided by Frozen Way.)