Handheld gaming consoles typically boast vibrant, high refresh-rate screens, aiming to pull players into an immersive world. But the upcoming ‘Ink Console’ on Crowd Supply is marching to the beat of a different drum. Forget high FPS and dazzling OLED displays. Instead, this device offers a 7.5-inch e-ink screen with a modest 800 x 480 resolution. The creators of the Ink Console found their muse in the nostalgic pull of classic games and choose-your-own-adventure books.
Essentially an e-reader at heart, the Ink Console steps it up by adding an analog joystick, making navigating digital gamebooks a breeze. Fancy a shot at creating your own interactive stories? This console has got you, with a development kit that’s beginner-friendly, allowing you to craft and share your very own adventures. Plus, with an inbuilt SD card reader, you’ll have ample space to load new gamebooks as they’re released.
What makes the Ink Console even more intriguing is its operating system’s integrated inventory system. This feature lets players gather and manage items throughout their gaming journey. A health status system adds to the charm, enabling more depth in text-based RPG and adventure experiences.
The brains behind this e-ink console are drawing inspiration from those beloved text adventure books from the ’80s and ’90s, such as “Zork I” and the “Goosebumps” series by R.L. Stine. It’s all about bringing these interactive stories to a digital platform for the younger crowd, ideally sparking a passion for reading.
On top of these features, the digital enhancements like inventory and health statuses promise to add another dimension of engagement, potentially captivating audiences spanning generations.
Sure, the Ink Console might not be in the same league as high-powered handhelds like Lenovo’s Legion Go S or sleek tablets like the iPad. Yet, its focus on immersive adventure reading means fewer distractions from notifications and apps, which can be a perfect match for both reading enthusiasts and fans of text-based games. As long as the price is right, it could win the hearts of those who cherish a good narrative-driven experience.