Ayaneo has introduced its latest gaming marvel, the Ayaneo Pocket DMG, through a crowdfunding campaign on IndieGogo. This handheld, sporting a GameBoy-inspired design, features the powerful Qualcomm Snapdragon G3X Gen 2 chip and boasts an OLED display. With early bird pricing starting as low as $339 for the base model equipped with 8GB of RAM and 128GB of storage, it’s an attractive offer. For those seeking more power, there’s a high-tier option at $499 with 16GB of RAM and 512GB of storage, and for the nostalgic collector, a “Retro Color” Limited Edition is priced at $589 during the early bird phase.
The Snapdragon processor at this price point provides solid performance for high-end mobile gaming. Whether you want to enjoy the visuals of Genshin Impact at a smooth 60 FPS or dive into emulation of classic consoles like the GameCube and PlayStation 2, this device handles both with ease. That said, if you’re primarily a PC gamer, Valve’s Steam Deck with its LCD might offer better game variety at a more wallet-friendly cost, unless you’re looking to complement your existing PC setup.
Now, let’s talk features. This handheld is packed with them. From cleverly hidden trigger buttons nestled between shoulder buttons to optional motion controls and a responsive right touchpad, it covers all bases for a modern gameplay experience, including streaming from your PC to the Ayaneo Pocket DMG. The analog sticks, although compact, are hall-effect, which significantly reduces the risk of drift – a common plague of analog controls.
Some might argue that an OLED screen seems excessive for a device this size, but it’s worth comparing to other premium options like the Analogue Pocket, which opts for a super sharp 1440p LCD. Here, however, you get a 3.92-inch OLED screen with a resolution of 1,240 x 1,080, a 104% NTSC color gamut, and a brightness level reaching up to 450 nits. The low input latency of OLED offers a dream-like experience for retro games. Still, it won’t quite take over the realm of AAA gaming from heavyweights like the Steam Deck OLED.
The Ayaneo Pocket DMG seems like a serious contender in the emulation and Android gaming space, despite its more playful shell. Opting for models with up to 12GB or 16GB of RAM might seem excessive, especially when it’s not a full PC handheld, but modern mobile games and emulation requirements are no joke. Your best value lies in nabbing the base model and throwing in an SD card for expansion when it makes sense.
Connectivity options are quite modern too. The device features a USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-C port capable of transferring data at up to 10 Gbps, alongside support for Wi-Fi 7 and Bluetooth 5.3. While its wired connections might not be extraordinary, they’re perfectly sufficient for transferring smaller files and games. The ability to use Wi-Fi 7 is a highlight, especially useful for something like Steam Remote Play.
Lastly, a word of caution: backing a crowdfunding project is more about supporting an exciting venture than purchasing a guaranteed product. It’s an investment in an idea, a leap of faith. You’re not just buying a gadget off the shelf.