Back in July, Attack on Titan VR: Unbreakable made its debut on the Quest platform in Early Access. Initially, it offered just a single mission or ‘chapter’ along with a few unlockable blades, hinting at more content to come in the months following. Fast forward to now, developer UNIVRS has rolled out the ‘Complete Edition’, which expands the content to include four full chapters.
During our early review in July, the game felt more like a tech demo than a complete experience. While it managed to showcase a decent chunk of its core gameplay, it was limited to just one chapter accompanied by an endless wave mode and the obligatory scoreboard to track your progress.
With the release of the Complete Edition, players can now dive back in to explore chapters three and four, wrap up the story in the Epilogue, and even face off against the formidable Armored Titan boss.
Moreover, for the first time, co-op play is available, letting you team up with friends and tackle all the chapters together.
In addition to releasing the full game, UNIVRS has hinted at an exciting Thunder Spear Unlock Event slated for January, branding it as a “global challenge.” And fans can look forward to a free update coming in 2025, as noted on the game’s website.
When we first got our hands on the game, we acknowledged it felt a bit “rough around the edges.” Despite that, it appears to have struck a chord with fans. As I write this, Attack on Titan VR: Unbreakable boasts an impressive 4.5 out of 5 user rating on the Horizon Store.
For those who purchased the Early Access version, you’re in luck—Part 2 is available as a free download. Newcomers have the option to snag Part 1 for $8, Part 2 for $12 (with Part 1 required), or grab the bundle including both parts for $20. The game is compatible with Quest 2, Quest 3/S, and Quest Pro.