A passionate Pokémon fan has reimagined Michelangelo’s famous The Creation of Adam with an inventive Pokémon twist. In this creative reinterpretation, the artist portrays Arceus, recognized as the creator of the Pokémon universe, crafting Mew, often thought of as the original Pokémon due to its encompassing DNA.
Having made its debut in Pokémon Red and Blue, Mew holds a mythical status believed by many to be the ancestor of all Pokémon species. This belief persisted until the series introduced Arceus, the legendary being credited with creating the entire Pokémon universe. With this backstory in mind, the artist re-envisioned the celebrated artwork to capture an iconic moment in the Pokémon mythos.
Reddit artist Cordio04 has ingeniously crafted their Pokémon-themed version of the famed 1500s masterpiece that graces the Sistine Chapel ceiling. Dubbed The Creation of Mew, this artwork creatively captures Arceus gently touching Mew’s tail with its leg as Mew floats serenely, highlighting Mew’s well-loved tendency to hover. This piece cleverly pays homage to both Arceus’ creative legacy and Mew’s special characteristics, signifying the connection between the universe’s foundation and its tiniest mythical creature. Given Pokémon’s deep roots in worldly inspirations—from lore to individual creatures—it seems perfectly natural for a fan to draw from a grand Renaissance work to celebrate such a pivotal moment.
Although the artwork is impressive as it stands, Cordio04 isn’t stopping there. Inspired by the multifaceted figures and symbols in the original fresco, Cordio04 plans to enrich their piece further by incorporating the Lake Guardian Trio, who are integral parts of Arceus’ creation. One fan cleverly suggested integrating silhouettes of all the franchise’s Mythic and Legendary Pokémon on Arceus’ Life Plates, though noting it might overwhelm the piece. Cordio04 considers using recolored plates as a nod to these creatures. Moreover, another fan proposed adding the Creation Trio, a suggestion Cordio04 is open to exploring.
As anticipation builds, watching how Cordio04 completes their homage is intriguing. Among fans, debates about the foundational Pokémon persist. Some enthusiasts argue for Bulbasaur, the first entry in the original Pokédex, while others believe Rhydon, as the first designed Pokémon, holds the “first” title. Despite differing opinions, this artistic tribute is a clever, heartwarming celebration of the Pokémon legacy.
Across the entertainment realm, Pokémon stands as a cultural giant, and it’s no wonder it continues to inspire fan tributes. This creation beautifully underscores that influence, merging a love for art and Pokémon history into something truly special.