So, here’s some exciting news for mini-golf enthusiasts: you can now embark on an adventure to climb Mount Olympus in Walkabout Mini Golf. This new experience marks the game’s 32nd course, following the bold introduction of Viva Las Elvis back in January. Lucas Martell, the head of the studio, shared that this course is considerably larger than the previous giant favorite – the Temple At Zerzura, which was 2023’s standout feature.
Imagine this: perched high above the Aegean Sea lies a fabled realm where gods and goddesses hold sway. Here, the mighty Olympians gather not just to decide mortal destiny but to explore the realms of epic mini-golf challenges. Your mission? Navigate through elaborate temples, mythical landscapes, and tricky hazards. Be ready, as the Olympian Council awaits to judge your skills. Will you emerge victorious or incur the ire of the gods?
During your ascent up this mythic locale, expect to meet temples adorned with tributes to the main figures of the Greek pantheon—think Zeus, Apollo, and Artemis. My recent chat with Walkabout’s creator, Lucas Martell, turned into our longest behind-the-scenes tour yet, extending to a full 28-minute deep dive into this enchanting world.
Want to get a glimpse? Check it out here:
I also had the pleasure of sitting down with Don Carson, the senior art director at Mighty Coconut, to delve into their design process. He shared their commitment to “over deliver” by employing a layered design strategy, one that spans over more than a year with teams passing projects in a kind of creative relay race. Today, the team, affectionately known as the Coconuts, has grown to a robust size, numbering in dozens.
With the huge success of the Elvis course, which resulted in the highest single sales day in nearly five years of the game’s history, one has to wonder: will the launch of Mount Olympus inspire players to flock back, ready to seize a few more courses from the store?
For those eager to start this journey, Walkabout Mini Golf is available across all major headsets, including iOS.