The creative minds at Sanzaru Games, known for their acclaimed Asgard’s Wrath series, have just rolled out the final content update for Asgard’s Wrath 2, a title unique to the Quest platform. With this milestone, the studio is setting its sights on what they describe as their “next big thing.”
MIXED reports that Sanzaru has wrapped up its last major update for Asgard’s Wrath 2, a thrilling action-adventure sequel to the original Asgard’s Wrath, which debuted exclusively on Rift in 2019. This last major addition is called ‘The Long Winter,’ serving as the twelfth and concluding ‘Cosmic Event’ of the game. Since last week, it’s been presenting players with fresh, time-limited challenges each month, allowing them to gather points and unlock one-of-a-kind cosmetics.
Launching in late 2023 for Quest 2 and the latest versions, Asgard’s Wrath 2 delivers a campaign that spans over 60 hours. This extensive gameplay doesn’t even factor in the monthly Cosmic Events, offering players a comprehensive journey.
In an official message to fans on their Discord channel, the game’s Community Manager announced, “This will be our last significant update for Asgard’s Wrath 2. You can expect fewer updates in the future, focusing primarily on fixing any major bugs and issues. We have no plans to develop new content for Asgard’s Wrath 2—acknowledging the persistent requests from our community, we wanted to communicate this decision clearly.”
Looking towards the future, the Sanzaru team excitedly mentions, “We’re now channeling our energies into some incredible projects, and when everything is lined up, we can’t wait to reveal our next major endeavor to our community.”
While specifics are scarce on what lies ahead for Sanzaru, since their acquisition by Meta (previously Facebook) in 2020, the studio has been fully invested in crafting games exclusive to Meta’s range of XR headsets. Given their experience and success with two robust, polished RPGs, they have certainly refined their skills, which might give us a clue as to what exciting developments are coming next.