With the complete unveiling of Horizon Zero Dawn: Remastered and LEGO Horizon Adventures, Guerrilla Games can now turn its full attention toward the much-anticipated Horizon multiplayer project and Horizon 3. Since the release of Horizon Forbidden West in 2022 and the subsequent Burning Shores expansion in 2023, fans have indulged in all sorts of theories regarding the series’ conclusion. Some speculate that Aloy might venture across the Pacific to solicit help from the technologically advanced Quen Empire, while others foresee Sylens harnessing ancient 21st-century tech in an attempt to conquer Nemesis. But perhaps a more intriguing direction for Horizon 3 would be to delve into the dynamics of the existing tribes and their responses to humanity’s bygone era, rather than introducing entirely new tribes.
In the Horizon universe, knowledge of the ancient world has been a pivotal theme, especially since Ted Faro obliterated the APOLLO subroutine back during Project: Zero Dawn. This act plunged humanity into a state of technological amnesia, fostering a world where towering machines roam amidst the remnants of 21st-century civilization. Without a window into their ancestry, many tribes developed their own interpretations of history, much like the early humans before the Common Era. For instance, the Nora worship security systems as the All-Mother, while the Carja attribute divine significance to the sun. Similarly, the absence of historical context has led some tribes to demonize robots and AI, viewing them as punishments from their forebears.
Yet, not all communities were left entirely clueless. The ancient Quen managed to unearth Focus devices that provided them with fragmentary insights into the old-world, aiding their rise as a technologically superior empire. The Tenakth gleaned military strategies from museum artifacts, and the Oseram repaired relics such as Vegas’s holographic displays for their innovative pursuits. Scattered Focus devices can still be found today, enabling tribes like Sylens in the first Horizon game to access forgotten facilities and secrets of the old world.
As for Horizon 3, its storyline might focus on how this resurfacing old-world knowledge could reshape tribal societies. Aloy, equipped with invaluable information courtesy of her Focus, Sylens’ teachings, and her identity as Dr. Elisabet Sobeck’s clone, now possesses a treasure trove of ancient knowledge. By the conclusion of Forbidden West, Aloy acquires a copy of the APOLLO database from the Far Zenith, potentially broadening humanity’s understanding. The Burning Shores expansion hints at Erend undertaking the task of integrating Focus devices into the Oseram’s culture to equip them for the looming Nemesis threat.
However, the dissemination of this knowledge is not without its hurdles. Tribes entrenched in centuries-old traditions might resist revelations that debunk their foundational beliefs. The religious factions within the Utaru and Carja, particularly Sun Priests, might perceive these truths as existential threats to their authority. Aloy faces yet another challenge: persuading these societies to embrace enlightenment, especially when their deities might be dethroned as mere myths.
Among the tribes, the Quen might demonstrate the most staunch opposition towards this knowledge renaissance. Their hierarchical society restricts access to information, a privilege enjoyed only by officials, fearing any shake in order. Conversely, the Oseram and Tenakth may welcome new knowledge for its potential to enhance their technological and military prowess. While Aloy has earned the respect of various tribes throughout the Horizon saga, winning their unified support against Nemesis will likely require overcoming deep-seated biases and suspicions.
Throughout the Horizon series, players have been introduced to a rich tapestry of tribes, including the Nora, Carja, Oseram, Banuk, Utaru, Tenakth, and Quen. Each has contributed unique perspectives on the ancient world—perspectives that are about to be challenged as old-world knowledge resurfaces, potentially altering the course of humanity yet again.